Pokemon Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Update: Game Codes, Mystery Gift Exposed; Trainers may catch Emboar, Serperior and Samurrot until November


As Pokemon trainers, both young and old, would continue their journey along the Hoenn Region, the game's publisher and developer wrapped a new surprise and challenge for these players as they proceed with the the challenge, "gotta catch 'em all."

Nintendo and Game Freak would be giving a special surprise for its loyal Pokemon players as they would be able to download Pokemon Emboar in any of the two recently released games for the Nintendo 3DS platform, "Pokemon Omega Ruby" and "Alpha Sapphire." If that would not be enough, then two more Pokemon, Pokemon Serperior and Samurrot, could also be unlocked in the two mentioned games.

There would be no free lunch for the Pokemon trainers of course, as they had to enter a few codes to unlock the Pocket monsters. For the Fire-type Pokemon Emboar, the trainer should enter the secret code POKEMON500. As for the Grass-type Pokemon Serperior, enter the secret code POKEMON497. However, trainers still need to have a look out for the code on their Trainer Club emails for the Water-type Pokemon Samurrot. All the secret codes are valid until Nov. 30th, based on the game's website.

Meanwhile, Pokemon trainers were delighted, especially the older more experienced players, as Pokemon's upkeep in "Pokemon Omega Ruby" and Alpha Sapphire" was a lot easier compared to previous game versions. However, the terrain was more complex compared to earlier map, which would be ideal for new players.

"Pokemon Omega Ruby" and "Alpha Sapphire" was released in 2014 as a third person role-playing adventure game, which succeeded the "Pokemon Ruby" and "Sapphire" titles made for Game Boy Advance in 2002.

The game follows a Pokemon trainer's quest as a new resident of the island of Hoenn, collecting exotic Pokemon and battling other trainers and masters to become the Hoenn Pokemon League Champion.

Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Nintendo, Game freak, Pokemon News

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