Bloodborne Update: Dark Fantasy Genre, Smarter Combat, More Enemies, Environments and Weapons, And More


From Software's third-generation action role-playing videogame Bloodborne is finally coming to PlayStation4 anytime this month and developers are teasing a dark fantasy genre, a fast-paced and offensive combat, new enemies and weapons, characters able to perform sweeping dashes around enemies while lock is on, new risk versus reward style through health regain system, and a lot more different features from its predecessors Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.

Dark fantasy genre will reportedly revolve around Bloodborne's plot as it integrates highly fictional elements like magical setup and illusory realms with a hint of horror. The game is expected to follow the footsteps of its predecessors using this genre.

Sword and shield combination has been very much dependable in Dark Souls when going down Drakes, Blighttown and Anor Londo with block, slash and back off movements. Creator Hidetaka Miyazaki is taking a slight deviation for the third-generation game. In a report, From Software has hinted that characters in Bloodborne can get by the battles without using a sword and a shield, although it does not come easy at all.

Bloodborne's combat moves faster and the dodge button enables players to weave swiftly around enemies at once. Enemies here are faster and smarter than the Souls series that lack of defensive equipment is a suicide.

A significant part of the new combat is the firearm. It replaces the shield in the character's left arm. Pulling the trigger with L2 on the enemies staggers them and throw them off balance, and it allows you to succeed as swift and brutal blow to kill lower-level aggressors.

The health regain system recompenses belligerent play through increasing health level. A red health bar appears temporarily during the attack to show how much health player can possibly get. Attacks in a row add a small amount of regain to health.

The Cleric Beast appears unremitting in his counterattacks.

Imp-like creatures Church Giants emerge from the ground handling trick weapons, offering players among a Saw Cleaver, a Hunter's Axe, and a Threaded Cane. Another set of Messengers offer firearms, including a Hunter's Pistol and a Hunter's Blunderbuss. Messengers also give a third gift and a notebook to leave messages with hunters in other dimensions.

Available items at the moment are only the basics like blood vials, pebbles, quicksilver bullets and firebombs.

From Software, Sony, Bloodborne, Bloodborne News

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