Tags: From Software

‘Bloodborne’ The Old Hunters Expansion Pack Features Free Patch Including New Weapons, Bosses, and Areas; to be Released Really Soon

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters shall receive a new expansion pack which includes game updates and new weapons, bosses, and areas, among others.

Dark Souls 3: More Gameplay Information Revealed After Release of 20-Minute Video

Dark Souls 3 adds a few gameplay tweaks that will have die-hard fans asking for more. Dark Souls 3 was officially announced during the Microsoft Xbox conference in the previously held E3 this year.

BloodBorne: The Old Hunters Update: Expansion Comes in November for PS4; DLC Brings Out Dreadful Monsters

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC is slated to be released next month for PlayStation 4 and it cost $19.99.

Bloodborne Updates: Upcoming DLC ‘The Old Hunters’ Will Feature New Monsters, Environment, Weapons And Revelations

The Gothic-inspired RPG, Bloodborne, is releasing its first DLC entitled The Old Hunters as part of its Game of the Year Edition with new monsters, environment, weaponry and revelations.

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From Software President Hidetaka Miyazaki reprises his role as director for the third installment to the Dark Souls series. Dark Souls III is scheduled for an early 2016 relase for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Bloodborne will have a new patch, 1.04, out on 25 May and a new expansion pack further down the line.
Sony President Shuhei Yoshida confirms that Bloodborne Expansion and states that more information will be released later this year.
Bloodborne's new Honest Trailer is described in the clip 'as brutal as Dark Souls' showing blood-stricken combat. Honest Trailer also highlights Patch 1.03 which will address the long load times. More details here.
The new Dark Souls II edition comes packed with all downloadable content of previous Dark Souls II editions which bundles all three "lost crown" areas of the game. The already difficult RPG gets a fresh upgrade to the Dark Soul II universe with enhanced features by pushing the boundaries of advanced platform technologies.
"Bloodborne" gamers toyed around with the charater build feature of the game and they were able to create some fantastic hunter that would surely make the gameplay more red hot.
"Bloodborne" apparantly has an unintended bug which exposes an easier level of difficulty players can exploit at will.
Just a few weeks after "Bloodborne's" epic release, From Software releases "Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin" on April 07th, which turns this spring in to a macabre masochistic feast.
Sony revealed that "Bloodborne" had already topped the Japan PSN chart just a few weeks since it was released. Apart from that, another surprise entry, "Disgaea 5" ranked 2nd in the chart ahead of other familiar titles.
"Bloodborne" have been a very challenging game to all those who want to beat it. Thankfully, several gamers had come up with a list of optional bosses and sidequests to keep track of their progress. Also, an avid gamers discovered a chink in the game's armor.
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