Mass Effect 4 Possible PS4, Xbox One and PC Exclusives but ‘Years Away’


Bioware's highly acclaimed Mass Effect Franchise has truly set the benchmark on creating interactive, RPG games to date. The Mass Effect series, albeit the unsatisfactory ending on its third instalment is a work of gaming genius. The hit RPG series has already been released for the PS3 and the Xbox 360, and plans for its release on the PS4 and Xbox one are underway.

But what is circulating today are faint information about the impending release of the next instalment in the series, Mass Effect 4. Hints coming from Bioware are faint but enough to be sure that production of ME4 is underway. Aaryn Flynn, General Manager of Bioware said on neoGAF that the company stopped development for last generation consoles. This hints fans that the next instalment to the Mass Effect universe will be a PS4, Xbox One and PC exclusive, though not confirmed.

Though Bioware's Mike Gamble said that ME4 is still years away in a ComiCon interview, updates on the developments, possible teasers and demos are expected to be released later this year. However, one glaring information is that gamers will not be playing as Shepard but as yet unnamed N7 soldier.

As fans await ME4, many are hoping a remastered version of the trilogy released for new-gen consoles. The news came about when Aaryn Flynn and Montreal studios, exchanged tweets in March last year of ideas of a remastered Mass Effect trilogy to PS4 and Xbox One. Fans further added to their dream list of having a trilogy where one can play seamless all throughout, while others want the ME1 combat redone.

Bioware didn't specifically cited any noteworthy changes that will happen to the ME trilogy releases for PS4 and Xbox one. However, Aaryn said that ME1 would have a complete redoing, as it will take a "helluva work" and said that many gamers like ME1 as it is.

Though fans are to feed first an appetizing remastered ME trilogy for the PS4 and Xbox one, the main dish is still being prepared to perfection. ME4 will hit next generation consoles possibly next year, but when it does, anticipating fans would find great comfort knowing that all is well with Bioware.

Mass Effect, Bioware, PS4, Xbox one, PC Games

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