Tags: Xbox one

Best Buy's Great Deal for Green Monday on iPhone 7

Best Buy wil be giving some great deals tgis coming Green Monday. Here are some of their great deals.

Final Fantasy XV: Most Epic Role Game For 2016

The new Final Fantasy XV is an epic game and really is worth the wait. Changes had made where in it will give you more excitement about it.

Top Deals on Xbox One, PS 4 and Nintendo 3DS on Black Friday 2016

Black Friday is fast approaching and here are some items on Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo that will be on sale.

‘Minecraft’ Updates: Telltale Games Reveals ‘Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4’ Release Date and Details

Game developer Telltale Games announced recently that they will be releasing Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4 on December 22, 2015.

Latest News

Techland will be bringing in new challenges, quests, and a new weapon in Dying Light’s new DLC pack.
Following the Doom Closed Alpha testing, a footage leaked online showing a death match between two teams. Fans also shared their views about the game calling it the Best Shooter.
Few weeks before the release of Patch 3.1, game developer is ready to make Patch 3.15 available for Final Fantasy XIV. The Heavensward gameplay details is also being shared noting that the game is almost finish.
Brutally difficult songs are to be featured in Rock Band 4 as Metal songs are added to tracks. Harmonix's live band simulation game, Rock Band 4 seems to be hitting metal so hard as brutally difficult mode shall be added to the game.
This War of Mine is announced for console releases, as well as a tabletop board game. The 11 bit civilian based war game, This War of Mine: The Little Ones, published by Deep Silver, has been announced to hit the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.
The famous football game, FIFA 16, remains on top of the UK charts. Electronic Arts' popular football game, FIFA 16 made its great comeback on top of the UK charts, where the Black Friday deals has pretty much something to do.
Following the release of Star Wars Battlefront on November this year, many gamers observe that the first person shooter is lacking in depth. Game developer also hinted that the next Star Wars might include single player mode.
CD Projekt RED announced the Blood and Wine DLC for The Witcher 3 to launch at Q1 2016. Developer CD Projekt RED has recently announced that the expansion entitled Blood and Wine DLC for the third installment of the series, The Witcher 3: Wildhunt.
Killer Instinct 3 released a new Shadow Jago this December 4 as a celebration anniversary of the game. Meanwhile, game developer confirms that there will be a patch update to be available.
Looks like fans won't be seeing any gameplay trailers or content from Sea of Thieves until next year.
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