Android 5.0 Rollout Release: Galaxy S5, Note 3 and Note 4 Seeding Underway; Chaotic Schedules Irked Russians


Now that the UI-reinvigorated Android Lollipop 5.0 - the smorgasbord upgrade that makes us come face-to-face with the might of material design - is the latest improvement to hit Google-town, the million-dollar question is: When will my Android device get it? For Samsung die-hards - Galaxy S5, Note 3 and Note 4 users most especially - things could never be looking this good as the much-awaited Lollipop upgrade is popping out almost everywhere, from Poland to Russia to the Land Down Under.

It seems increasingly clear that Samsung has always had their customers first on their minds. However, though the Lollipop upgrade is expected to bring a lot of goodies, the unpredictable schedule of the roll-outs are beginning to take its toll as Russians express disgust over Note 3 users getting the upgrade earlier than Note 4 users.

Maybe a Trickle but It's Coming Your Way

It may not be happening to every Android fan all at once, but Android 5.0 Lollipop upgrade is trickling down to a slew of select Samsung devices.

As things turn out, and as confirmed via Sam Mobile, seeding is currently underway for Samsun S5 users initiating the global roll-out for Android One fans.

As reported, Poland is where things start brightening up. In the online mobile magazines words: "This is the first time the Korean giant has delivered a major Android software upgrade in such a short period of time, only 31 days - Google dropped final Lollipop code to AOSP on November 4th. Currently, the new software upgrade is only available in Poland, however, it should start appearing in other European countries shortly."

Going Global

In hindsight, it was just at the start of the year, last January, that Samsung rolled out the Android Upgrade to UK Galaxy S5 users.

To note, S5 users could either use the Samsung Kies software to drive the Lollipop into their devices or for those who hate wires, use Samsung's FOTA (Firmware-Over-The-Air) service.

Same goes true for Galaxy Note 4 and Note 5 users. Starting in Poland the Lollipop update is already doing its magic since February 9 and should be all over Europe as we speak.

Also, that should hold true for Galaxy Note Edge users in the Land Down Under - Australia - which according to Youmobile the has also been blessed by the L-upgrade.

Russian Murmurs

However, it's still on a case-to-case basis. Russia for instance witnessed the initial roll-out for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 but may wait for just a bit for the Galaxy Note 4 upgrade.

Reason for the slight delay is Samsung Gear VR. However, as reported on Knowyourmobile the prospects are leaving a "sour taste in the mouths" of users who ditched the Note 3 in favor of the Note 4.

Sounds like all the goodies Android 5.0 Upgrade brings - stunning UI interface, improved performance, heads-up and lockscreen notifications and more - is making a lot of people up on their toes.

Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung galaxy note 4, Samsung galaxy note 3

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