“Tron 3” Cast, Movie Updates: Summer 2016 release possible? The GRID descends on Earth in the upcoming film


After half a decade of hiatus, the Tron franchise is ready to come back and attempts to hit box-office hits in the cinemas this coming 2016. "Tron 3" that will allegedly go by the title TRON: Ascension will be filming in Vancouver this 2015 through February 2016. A summer release for the movie is most likely for the film.

Several predictions rose through the release of the potential title of the movie. A continuation of the second installment of the second installment of the movie is rumored to be the events that will most likely be featured in the film. Quorra managed to jump from being a computer program inside the digital world of the Grid and became a human, or human like being in the real world. A potential explanation of how this became possible and the events that would most likely occur after the discovery is expected from the "Tron 3."

It is therefore same to assume that the characters inside the Grid could actually enter Earth and bring its wrath to the clueless human beings in it. Just the thought of light cycles running around New York excited fans of the series.

The first Tron movie was released in cinemas 35 years ago and was a certified flop. The 2010 reboot of the movie was not a complete flop but was a disappointment for the producers. It earned a total of $400 million worldwide with a production cost of $170 million. This was definitely far from Disney's close to $500 million predicted earnings from the movie. This time around, is the movie ready for a bid comeback or is Disney about to get another flop from the movie franchise for the third time?

The strange mark created by the movie TRON: Legacy may not be timely during its release in 2010. After half a decade of social media, internet, smartphones and technological developments, a larger audience might actually be able to embrace the concept of the movie.

Jules Verne and Olivia Wilde will most likely reprise their original roles in the upcoming Disney movie.

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