“Thor 3 Ragnarok” Plot, Movie Updates: Loki to die in the film? Asgard to face destruction in the movie?


The release of the "Thor 3: Ragnarok" has already been moved and rumors of the movie's possible conclusion are creating chaos for fans of the franchise, but a possible glimpse of hope remains as the original director of the movie franchise returns to direct the movie once again.

"Thor 3: Ragnarok" premiere was moved from a July opening to a November one after Spider-Man's arrival in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Spider-Man's movie is slated for July 28, 2017 while the Thor franchise and three more Marvel movies were pushed back. Thor 3 will be released on November 3, 2017, Black Panther on July 6, 2018 and Captain Marvel on November 2, 2018.

On the other hand, Kenneth Branagh's return to the movie might actually save the Thor franchise. He directed the first movie but later on declines to return for the sequel to direct the movie "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit." He recently finished directing the Cinderella movie and is rumored to be openly interested in returning for the second sequel. Neither Branagh nor Marvel confirms the director's return to the movie.

On the other hand, the possibility of a Loki background story for the upcoming Thor film is quite possible. It will not dominate the plot of the story, but as the two brothers are destined to work together to save Asgard, a story behind Loki's hatred towards his family might be essential for the story.

The plot details of the film are still being kept as a secret and no official synopsis of the movie has yet been released. Fortunately, with the concept of a Marvel Universe being linked to one another, the idea of a possible merge of Asgard's dilemma to Earth and the cosmic universe is likely possible. Asgard is about to face destruction in the upcoming movie as Ragnarok threats to bring apocalypse to Thor and Loki's home. How will the unlikely brothers save their home?

"Thor 3: Ragnarok" will be released on November 3, 2017.

Thor 3: Ragnarok

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