House Of Cards Season 4 News: Spoilers Feature Frank's ObsessiononThe Water Shed Bill, Evil Plans and Murder


The fans favorite Shakespearean political drama, House of Cards comes with biting one liner, twist and turns perfectly delivered by the main character, Frank Underwood played by Kevin Spacey. It is completely insane and watch-worthy. A new trailer from TLDW stresses on the why the fans loved it and the flaws of the show. It's also a little handy review for people who are so busy to read spoilers.

House of Cards is currently on its season 3 on Netflix. The clip is actually a very handy review of the show, if you haven't really dived in it. That's a 39 hours of quality time with Frank Underwood. It doesn't get into the information of what's happened to the rest of the characters, but it covers everything in wide strokes.

In spite of its cautiously plotted storyline, all of the double crossing and backstabbing, we're eventually just studying to see how evil Frank can be. What deepness is he willing to let go in order to get his way. The trailer shows, that the watershed bill is not passing is what eventually led to the vice president's resignation and Peter Russo's end.

On the other hand, things looked like Frank wanted the bill to pass potentially bringing up more questions in the minds of fans. Remember that the failure of the watershed led to Frank's forced acceleration to take more extreme measures in the short term like setting Peter up to have a very painful and public meltdown. This time Peter will be left to take counter actions, opting to accuse Frank and come clean. Something like this might have occurred anyway, although there wouldn't have been more time to spoil Frank's entire plan. Frank wouldn't have has as much exposure and Peter could have lived if it had played out more slowly. If fans, watch it again, they should focus more on what Franks says to Doug and Claire when these parts happening.

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