‘Big Hero 7’ in Talks for Production; Tadashi to Transform as Sunfire?


"Big Hero 6" in-demand sequel "Big Hero 7" is currently the talk of the town - or at least the lucky people who saw it - and rumor has it that the story will focus on Hiro Yamada's older brother Tadashi, who died in the fire in the movie.

"If there is no body, that character is alive".

Everyone assumed Tadashi died in the flames and even had his funeral but an interesting fact is that there was no body buried or cremated.

John Negroni of Movie Pilot has a theory to present on the alleged death, "The inclusion of a fire is tantamount to how this theory works. Where do you think it came from? Most likely, one of the inventions, and no one else apparently died from its flames. I believe this invention had to do with nuclear energy. Why? Because 'Big Hero 6' (and Disney) is purposefully setting up Tadashi to be Sunfire, one of the original members of the first 'Big Hero 6' team and a prominent character in the Marvel universe."

Negroni then continued that Tadashi as Sunfire will shockingly come out as a villain but will later on become an addition to the "Big Hero 6", thus the sequel rightfully entitled, "Big Hero 7".

"Big Hero 6" is too good to not have a sequel garnering more than half a billion dollars worldwide at the box office and an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. "Frozen" and "Lion King" are the only Disney animated movies that have earned more than this movie.

Even though Disney is currently busy with the sequels of "Frozen" and "Wreck It Ralph" and had not slipped a word about Hiro's team yet, Don Hall, one of the directors had previously said something back in November 2014.

"We'll see. We just finished this one, and the truth is, we're exhausted from the ordeal of making it... We haven't talked about or thought about any sequels or anything like that. Having said that, of course, we love these characters, and the thought of working with them again someday definitely has its appeal."

It is just a matter of time before avid viewers get to see whether Tadashi really became Sunfire and of course, everyone's favorite Baymax, the fluffy designed to be cuddly nurse in "Big Hero 6" sequel, "Big Hero 7".

Big Hero 7 plot, Big hero 6 sequel

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