Android 5.1.1 Lollipop" Nexus 9 is Finally Getting the Respect It Deserves as a Foremost Android Tablet; Plus Step by Step How To's


Right from the onset, Nexus 9 was primed for conquest. Billed as an "iPad killer" with all the quality features honed from the best of Google's Android universe, as obvious as its being the first mainstream Android tablet with a 4:3 screen - like the iPad, it was top of the line hardware-wise. But its software represented its Waterloo as also from the get-go it ran synonymous with buggy software - not to mention build quality issues.

But one thing could have put it right back in front: Android 5.1.1 update. Only thing - somewhat like a second slap - the OTA (over the air) update is not week's late, but months' late. Ouch!

Nevertheless, it's finally here. After the long wait Nexus 9 is getting what it should have received long time ago. Android 5.1.1 is being rolled out OTA as we speak bringing to the foremost Android tablet the respect it truly deserved.

Together with Nexus 7, Android 5.1.1 update can now be installed on your Nexus 9. It's somewhat a tall order as you need to follow certain guidelines (manual) but it's definitely worth the hassle.

For specific instructions on how to get your updates manually, please follow the link posted here. Specific to: Nexus 9 only.

Android 5.1.1 update should get you bug fixes and performance enhancement that you've been waiting for. It's no secret that Android 5.0 Lollipop was bug-filled as many forums were screaming of these performance anomalies.

Now if you're mulling about the update, here's why you should go on ahead and get it for your own good.

For starters, it's safe to say the Android 5.1.1 update is going to boost the performance of your sturdy 64-bit NVIDIA Denver-equipped Android tablet. If your tablet were a car, it would certainly be running like brand new - fresh out of the dealer shop.

One immediate result is speed. Not only will you have a smoother operation, it's going to be faster.

This is because you'll encounter less stumbling blocks, less app crashes, less bugs and prolonged battery life.

And you can extend it to gaming too. Pixel-heavy ones, fire up (e.g., Clash of Clans, Gunner Z). But for sure, we're not saying it's perfect.

Somehow, somewhere an app or two is going to crash on you. But it's a lot lesser now.

In more ways than one the Nexus line-up is slowly shaping up becoming a true flag-bearer of Android. Just recently, Nexus 6 smartphones has been getting a lot of attention with WiFi calling, for instance.

If you're no fan of OTA you can always do the manual update as prescribed in the link above. No matter how you chose, it will give you the user experience you've been longing for, for your Nexus 9 Android tablet.

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