iOS 9 Release Latest Updates: All Roads Point to WWDC Event Announcements; Unmistakable Telltale Signs of a September Launching


Till now, iOS 9 is in every Apple fans lips, no doubt. With all the goodies brought about by the latest iOS iteration, it is expected that anybody who's anybody in the iOS universe is on the prowl for the latest. Let's face it though, what has been reverberating in the rumor mill and among so-called pundits both online and off-line are pure speculation as to the actual launch of the much-reinvigorated portable operating system.

Of course, sans of a real Apple announcement, everything is speculative. However, there are concrete movements that could give us a clue of the up-and-coming event. With a little bravado and a bit of research we are able to arrive at telltale signs that should give you the answer that you have been waiting for.

Recent report from iOS9update displayed what could be the most graphic presentation of how Apple has been handling its iOS updates. Specifically, the expert site detail how without fail the Cupertino-based tech behemoth has since iOS 6 followed an unmistakable pattern.

Though there were always minor updates that were released in between in reference to iOS, major updates since 2012 have always followed a June announcement. Meaning: WWDC.

Yes, it has always been during the Worldwide Developer Conference that major updates - from iOS 6 to iOS 8- have been introduced. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

Let's bear in mind that WWDC is a foremost forum for developers. And whatever is announced there is mainly targeted to the super-techie crowd.

And so it has become a pattern: Major updates are introduced by June of the year first to developers so certain adjustments can be made. At this stage the iOS to be launched just need the rubber stamp of the top programmer minds in the industry before it's finally released to the public by September.

Yes, without fail too. It has always been September.

The million-dollar question now then is will Apple follow that pattern this year? Or will it deviate to a different path?

Now we come to our most telltale signs, one that should give us a great big sigh of relief. Drum roll, please.

First stop. Apple's press release.

In its latest press release for WWDC 2015 Apple specified - and we're quoting here word for word:

"at WWDC, Apple's renowned developer community will come together to learn about the future of iOS."

True, we don't see any iOS 9 written on the wall of that statement. But it's how any corporate would cloak such a big event - without risking too much.

And last but not the least, a peak at the WWDC information section. Apple, in all its might, delineates what developers can and cannot do with whatever pre-release info given during the event. With all the specifics and all the warnings. Would you take all the precaution if nothing big is about to happen?

That should give every iOS 9 fan a wide grin.

Ios 9 release date

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