‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Leaked Scene Reveals Han Solo and Chewbacca Returning to the Falcon; The Rebel General Finds his Children and Gets Killed?


"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" once again becomes a victim of released unauthorized spoilers as a leak scene circulated the internet revealing Han Solo and Chewbacca going back inside the Falcon.

"Chewie, we're home," assures an emotional Han Solo to Chewbacca after 30 years of being away from it. The alleged plot goes that Rey and Finn steals the Millennium Falcon from a salvage station. While escaping from TIE Fighters, the couple flies the Falcon deep into the space and as a result it ends up being swallowed by a huge freighter along the way, which happens to be owned by Han Solo.

"The Force," which is a website that accounts an alleged plot of the movie, continues that the movie will start 30 years after the battle of Endor in the "Return of the Jedi." It also accounts that a year after the war, a major battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire also occurred over the desert planet Jakku, leaving the space littered with destroyed space ships.

Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, is a scavenger that lives off these litters and this is where she meets Finn (John Boyega) which becomes her companion throughout the journey.

An interesting point is that Rey could be Han Solo's daughter. Although not directly stated, Ridley commented in an interview saying, "I've said that I'm solitary, that's probably a big clue as to what it is." after Kathlyn Kennedy who auditioned the role for Ridley recounted that Rey's character keeps on talking about "family" leading the topics to "things that are inside the character." This revelation has made the fans deduce that she could be Han Solo's child which is fortunate because the leak scene tells that the two will meet.

In addition, Making Star Wars also previously speculated that Kylo Ren could be one of Han Solo's children as well. If both spoilers were to be true, then it means that the masked villain of the seventh sequel is Rey's brother.

This film will allegedly involve long hardships and torture to Han Solo's life after he lost his wife Princess Leia, dealing with his supposed children, and then eventually facing death at the hands of Boba Fett, who is reportedly alive to avenge his fate back to the rebel general.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens," which will be released on December 18, 2015, is being swallowed by tidbits of leaks since it started production. However the fans enjoy plotting and connecting the dots based on these rumors, Disney still has requested that a judge issue a subpoena to websites releasing the unauthorized images from the movie.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cast, Star Wars The Force Awakens Plot, Star Wars: The Force Awakens release date

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