'Supergirl' Update: Leaked pilot gives series a major boost? Crossovers with Arrow and The Flash unlikely


It happened to Game of Thrones, and now it's happened to Supergirl- besieged by Internet pirates. The pilot episode of CBS's upcoming Supergirl series (which isn't set to air for a good six months) was uploaded to several file sharing sites early Friday morning. Already the pilot has been uploaded hundreds of thousands of times- a number that will no doubt balloon upwards as the months go by.

Most baffling about the entire situation is the state of the episodes. Typically when an unaired episode leaks online like this, there's a clear indicator of where it leaked from- either terrible camera quality indicating it was from someone's phone/recorder, or a watermark denoting it as a press copy that was uploaded online. The Supergirl pilot currently floating between any number of file sharing sites has no watermark and is in stuning HD- lending credibility to the rumor that CBS leaked the pilot itself to stir up hype.

If that's the case... is the intentional leak working? Already people are talking about the pilot more and more, and the few sites that decided to air reviews of a leaked pilot are giving it rather high marks. This could end up working hugely in CBS's favor (and if they didn't leak the pilot and this is all unintentional, talk about happy accidents).

As far as crossovers with the CW's Arrow and The Flash go, there's nothing to indicate those crossovers are happening anytime soon (or at all). The biggest roadblock (besides unwilling producers) would be the presence of Superman in the CBS series. The trailers have already made it very apparent that Supergirl takes place in a Metropolis protected by Superman. It'll take a lot of creative retconning to explain why no one on the CW has ever mentioned the god-like superhero who lives just a few towns over (also, why none of the CW heroes ever asked him to hang out). Supergirl will debut this November on CBS.

Supergirl Premiere, Supergirl spoilers

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