Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Attendance at E3 Next Week Confirmed


E3 2015 is just few days away and one of the highly anticipated names in attendance is Konami's Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain which is set to be released on the first day of September this year.

Despite Konami's challenging first half of the 2015, with Hideo Kojima reportedly set to leave the company, the cancellation of the anticipated project Silent Hills which is supposedly a collaboration between Kojima and director Guillermo del Toro, and the controversy with the neurosurgeon Dr. Sergio Canavero of Italy, Metal Gear V: The Phantom Pain will be in attendance at E3 2015 in Los Angeles next week and perhaps will give fans something of what they are going to expect from the game prior to its release.

Meanwhile, some lucky people were able to get their hands on the game such as Game Informer Senior Editor Matthew Kato who shared his experience on the game last month via Twitter. Below are some compilations of his posts:

"Playing Metal Gear V. Deep in Afghanistan, and building up Mother Base!"

"Got my trusty horse in her battle dress and we're stomping through the afhgan mnts. Covered in blood! "

"Mid- mission trying to locate Honey Bee weapon. Stopping to take care of Soviet relay station. Lets find some intel!"

"Wow did I get lucky. Spontaneous dust storm covered my entrance. Soviets are clueless."

"That didn't last long... resorted to using thier anti-aircraft gun against them. Oh well."

"Cover of night is the perfect way to walk away from that disaster!"

"Been hearing a puppy yelp, but can't find it! Would love to have returned it to Mother Base."

"Finally arrived at Smasei Fort to find Honey Bee. Now the real work begins. Let's do some recon!"

"Wide open canyon. Soviets everywhere. Hostage. This is going to be difficult."

And last week Kato invited Metal Gear Solid V fans to ask him what they want to know about the game.

"So ask me what you want to know about MGS V, and I'll do my best to give you all the answers," said Kato. And of course as expected, there are things that he knows about the game that he cannot reveal.

"I must caveat this by saying that there are some things that Konami doesn't want me divulging about the game," he added.

Interested fans can ask him about Metal Gear Solid V by typing the question at the comment section given at the link above, and he will post his answers tomorrow, June 9, at 8 a.m. Central time.

Metal gear solid v, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain News, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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