FIFA Movie "United Passions": US Release Falls Flat With Gross Of $607; Review Says It Is Poor And Full Of Crap?


Fifa movie "United Passions" has landed a meager score for its US Release; critics are describing the film as too poor, boring, or disturbing to be even viewed by audiences.

CNN reported the commentaries of different critics. The website quoted the comment of The Guardian saying that Fifa "United Passions" is "pure cinematic excrement" and "preposterous hagiography". Another cruel remark quoted is from The New York's Time calling the film as "one of the most unwatchable films in recent memory, a dishonest bit of corporate-suite sanitizing that's not good even for laughs." An additional no-holds-bar statement from the New York Post has described "United Passions" as "tedious, amateurish and hilariously ill-timed" movie.

Accordingly, the critics' brutal verdict of the movie is quite contrary to the assessment of Jerome Valcke, FIFA general secretary, who said in his letter sent to his colleagues last year that the movie demonstrates the origin of the FIFA in a candid, self-critical, and in a very pleasant way.

FoxSports also reported that despite the big names of Hollywood that are playing the key roles of the movie, still it didn't help generate more audience and gain positive ratings. The film has continued different branding titles from different media. The LA Times said it is "squirm-inducing heap of propaganda".

The awful rumor that came about after the movie had debuted at Cannes Film Festival last year has shortened the list of theaters that are willing to release "United Passion" in the US. As a result, it was also unsuccessful in breaking the $1000 mark in tickets.

Hollywood Reporter said that Writer-director Frederic Auburtin"s movie is beyond bombed. Accordingly, the FilmBar Theater in downtown Phoenix had sold only $6. It goes without saying that only one person came to watch the "United Passion." It was also further reported that US debut of the FIFA film couldn't have been more symbolic because Sepp Blatter, FIFA President, was finally forced to quit following directly on the indictment of 14 soccer corrupt officials.

Having said all the criticism and the figures of the sales, it is fair to say that movie critics are not kind enough to express their analysis and disapproval of the said film. Thus, the movie is dismal failure.

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