The Weekly Shonen Jump will be released this coming July 2 and will offer exciting updates on three of top most favorite manga-series in Japan. "Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage," " One Piece"and "Bleach". The battle of good against evil continues in the colorful pages of this well-loved Manga magazine.
Chapter 9 of the "Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage" offered a surprising twist. The army of the Shins is finally revealed composed of numerous skilled and sharingan using clones as well as giant shins and seemingly failed cloned Shins as well. Chapter 10 of the "Naruto Gaiden" Manga series might feature the continuous saga against the new villains in the manga series. According to spoilers reported in, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura might join forces and use their Kage Bunshin technique to be able to go against the army of Shins. It is also believed that Sakura's fatal blow against the space-time jutsu might bring more trouble for their group.
The young Haschwalth will most likely be featured in the Episode 633 of the manga series "Bleach" this coming Thursday. As the other half of the Juha Bach is explored by the Quincys and Death Gods of the series, the series will look into the connection between Haschwalth and Yhwach as reported by Manga Android. The Shinigamis are definitely about to discover more about Yhwach and the future of the fully organized SS.
Monkey D. Luffy's faith is what Episode 792 of "One Piece" offers. In the recent Episode 791 as narrated by Manga Spoiler, Sanji and Chopper were busy making bread while Luffy battles with Doflamingo. Luffy's crew, Zoro and Franky falls from the sky as they try to help the wounded Gatz and their Captain Luffy. The chapter ends with Luffy's unconscious body in the ground wet from Rebecca's tears. Is Luffy's end finally here?
More exciting revelations are about to be revealed in the upcoming chapters and episodes of Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage," "One Piece"and "Bleach" in the July 2, 2015 issue of the Weekly Shonen Jump. Is Luffy's fate in danger? Will Naruto and his group escape from the Shins? Are the Shinigamis prepared for the looming doom?
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