Bill Cosby's Admits Drugging Women for Sex; Actor's Lawyers Unsuccessful in Blocking Public Publishing of Court Documents


Comedian Bill Cosby already admitted that he used a certain drug to women to have sex with them. Cosby said in court about his deeds, admitting everything that was charged against him. Court documents were still published on the PACER public records website despite Cosby's lawyers' efforts to block them.

The Sydney Morning Herald cited that for decades, Bill Cosby has been accused of drugging women to have sex with them yet he was never charged of any sexual harassment case, thus escaping all of these accusations. But one case surfaced where Cosby admitted about drugging a woman, which happened back in 1976.

According to the court documents obtained by The Associated Press, Bill Cosby testified under oath that he used a prescription drug called Quaaludes and used it to drug women and have sex with them.

A former women's basketball director at Temple University in Philadelphia named Andrea Constand took to court her rape case against Bill Cosby with Dolores Troiani as her lawyer. The case was dropped, though the court transcript leaked, revealing parts of the deposition made between Cosby and Troiani.

In 2005, Lawyer Dolores Troiani asked Bill Cosby: "When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" Where Cosby replied with "Yes."the later on Cosby added with "I misunderstood. Woman, meaning T....., and not women."

Then just before the deposition ended, Bill Cosby stated "I meet Ms (T, whose name was redacted to preserve her anonymity) in Las Vegas. She meets me back stage. I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex."

As the Time website wrote, "This admission, from a lawsuit that was settled in 2006, should move the Cosby controversy forward in a major way. Certain aspects of it just can't be controversial anymore."

According to New Vision, due to multiple accusations of sexual abuse, Bill Cosby has resigned as one of the board of trustees at Temple University last December.

Bill Cosby, Bill Cosby News

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