Liberty Global Bids For Kabel Deutschland


After its EU approval for Virgin Media, Liberty Global is now preparing a bid for Kabel Deutschland. The bid news was broken by Manager Magazin, resulting in the jump of share values for the German cable company.

In taking this path, Liberty Global is seeking to blunt the bid of Vodafone, who is also bidding for the largest cable company in Germany. This was confirmed in the news report, who did not cite its sources for its information.

Kabel Deutschland has a current market value of Eur6.2 billion and an attempt from Liberty Global for a takeover would be met with stiff resistance from EU anti-trust regulators. Liberty already owns Unitymedia Kabel BW, the second largest cable company in Germany.

Earlier this year, the German authorities declined to approve a similar deal as Kabel Deutschland had earlier sought to purchase Tele Columbus, Germany's third largest cable operator. According to the regulators, the takeover would create a duopoly and would limit competition.

Bid, EU, Liberty Global, Kabel Deutschland

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