Tags: Bid

China’s Anbang Acquired Allianz’s South Korea Operations After Dropping Its Bid for Starwood Hotels

Anbang Insurance is acquiring Allianz’s operations in South Korea after dropping its offer to buy Starwood hotels. The deal is waiting for approval from South Korea’s financial regulator.

Smaller airlines upbeat on Virgin America acquisition

Virgin America, Billionaire Richard Branson's small carrier, is on the block and this is attracting other smaller airlines to bid for it. Airlines in the US are making more profits owing to cheaper oil prices. Acquisition route is ideal for smaller airlines to expand further.

Group of Canadian and Kuwaiti Investors Bought The London City Airport for £2 Billion, Raise Concerns Over Possible Airport Charges Raise

The London City Airport has now new owners as a group of investors led by Canadian pension plan acquire the facility for £2 billion. Some expressed a concern over the airport’s plan to expand the service, also over the high price that could cause the new owners to increase airport charges.

Mexico scraps $3.75 billion China rail deal ahead of state visit

Mexico has revoked a $3.75 billion high-speed rail contract from a China-led consortium after its uncontested bid prompted an outcry from lawmakers, souring a state visit to Beijing next week by President Enrique Peña Nieto.

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The chief executive officers of Men's Wearhouse and Jos A Bank had discussed encouraging points as to the further exploration of merger talks between the two clothing firms.
The latest takeover bid was submitted by BNP Paribas SA for BGZ Bank in the Polish market that had seen mega million takeover deals in its banking industry.
A partnership was forged between KKR and KUFPEC to bid for the oil and gas subsidiary of DWE, DEA RWEDE.
The bid by Deutsche Wohnen AG for GSW Immobilien AG had reached 78.6% of total shareholdings. The offer made by Deutsche Wohnen AG for the purchase of residential landlord GSW Immobilien AG is considered as the largest real estate acquisition in Germany in the past five years.
Fonterra purchased 6% shareholdings in Bega, which in turn upped the ante for its own bid for Warrnambool Cheese and Butter.
SAP CFO Werner Brandt squashed rumors of SAP's interest in BlackBerry through an interview with Euro am Sonntag.
Northern Beef Packers, which had filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, sets USD12.75 million minimum bid for its assets.
Petr Kellner is seeking to purchase the Czech republic's unit of Telefonica SA. Telefonica SA is hard pressed to extract a higher premium for its Czech unit.
Known institutional investor Cerberus Capital Management is studying its options to determine if it would make a bid for BlackBerry.
The bid for Royal Bank of Scotland amounts to GBP8 billion and is being reviewed to be done by TD Bank.
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