Intel CEO Throws Support for Softbank Bid for Sprint


Paul Otellini, the CEO of Intel Corp has sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission vouching for his support for SoftBank's bid for Sprint Nextel instead of the Dish Network's unsolicited bid.

Sprint, America's third largest wireless service provider is studying its options regarding a US$25.5 billion or GBP16.4 billion offer from Dish. It also said it is nearing the completion of its US$20.1 billion bid from Softbank scheduled for July 1.

In the letter addressed to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, Otellini said he met with Softbank Chief Masayoshi Son during his travel to Asia. He found the vision of the Japanese tycoon for the creation of a third national high speed network as 'very compelling.'

Otellini added, "We need this competition in the wireless space as the ATT/Verizon model is not giving that to consumers at this time."

The letter was made available to Reuters. An Intel spokesman added, "SoftBank is a business partner which is why there was an Otellini visit. His email to the FCC reflects our view that the addition of a third competitor to the market will be beneficial to consumers and SoftBank has a reputation as being a market disrupter which can provide benefits as well."

Intel, CEO, Softbank, Sprint Nextel, Dish Network, Bid

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