Oscar Pistorius to be freed soon with very strict house arrest conditions; Is the case over?


The paralympic runner Oscar Pistorius, who has killed his girlfriend unintentionally, will be freed from jail and go into house arrest Friday. However, the prosecutors have consistently maintained their appeal that he should be convicted of murder. And in November, the state's appeal is set to take place.

After serving 10 months for killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, the Amputee athlete will now be released from the prison. Pistorius was sentenced to five years in prison in October 2014 from the culpable homicide after he said he mistook her for an intruder.

According to Independent, Pistorius will be under virtual house arrest where drugs and alcohol are certainly not allowed. When the time comes that he will be released, he will live in his uncle's house in Pretoria to serve out the rest of his sentence.

Although he is out from the prison, Pistorious is not a free man. According to a source from Mirror, "He goes out on very strict house arrest conditions. Sometimes it's easier to be back in prison, and many prisoners complain and say they are in jail."

And in fact, the case is not over yet. In fact, the state's appeal will happen in November. Fox8 reported that the National Prosecuting Authority presents its written arguments last week to the Supreme Court of Appeals in Bloemfontein. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel won a chance to appeal Pistorius' conviction of culpable homicide.

According to the report, the judges will instead make their ruling based on written and oral arguments, and the hundreds of pages of documents and pertinent sections of the transcript from the previous trial. And once the state wins, it would open the door for a potential resentencing. And the sentence would even cost him a lot. If the culpable homicide conviction is overturned, Pistorius would face a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison.

Are you dismayed or glad for the immediate release of Oscar Pistorius? Will the State prosecutors win their appeal?

Oscar pistorius, Oscar Pistorius trial, Oscar Pistorius latest, Reeva steenkamp

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