Tags: Reeva steenkamp

Oscar Pistorius to be freed soon with very strict house arrest conditions; Is the case over?

The paralympic runner Oscar Pistorius will be released from jail soon. But he will be under very strict house arrest conditions.

Oscar Pistorius Latest Updates: No special treatment for amputee athlete as parole on August is legitimate

Oscar Pistorius did not receive special treatment. Her parole on August is legitimate. Oscar Pistorius will be released this August on parole and a lot of the followers of the case are not pleased with the decision.

Oscar Pistorius receives royalty status behind bars? Reeva Steenkamp’s family angered over Blade Runner's prison privilege

Oscar Pistorius is currently enjoying a royalty status in prison after being “processed” from “B” group to “A” which has receives the most privilege. Reeva Steenkamp’s family disgruntled over the “royalty treatment” of the Blade Runner.

Oscar Pistorius Loses Honorary Degree: Book on Court Trial Threads on Blade Runner's Behavior, Reason Behind Murder Shooting

'Blade Runner' Oscar Pistorius is currently serving his prison term; however, the limelight could still not let go of its former golden boy.

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Oscar Pistorius will be staying behind bars for 15 years after Judge Thokozile Matilde Masipa convicted him for culpable homicide. The Paralympian is set to begin his life sentencing on Monday, October 13.
Oscar Pistorius is set to face a decade and a half of life sentencing that would begin soon after Judge Thokozile Masipa orders him guilty of culpable homicide for killing his ex-girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp during the dawn of Valentine's Day of 2013. The sprinter's father admitted he has been too hard on his son.
Oscar Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide after 'unintentionally' killing former girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day of 2013. The sufferance of Reeva's family from the incident delivers emotional sides and disappointments on separate interviews.
Oscar Pistorius, South Africa's most wanted criminal in the eyes of justice for Reeva Steenkamp's death, is on his dark hours as the final judgment would be held anytime soon on Thursday or Friday at the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, South Africa.
Both Oscar Pistorius' defense team and the prosecution are all set to submit their papers in preparation for the final and closing oral arguments on Monday.
The murder trial for 27-year-old South African Olympic / Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius will once again begin on Monday, after he finishes his 30-day psychiatric assessment.
Oscar Pistorious is still on trial as he was accused for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. The trial was held by CBS Network on its "48-hour" show focusing on the said crime between 3:00 am of February 14, 2013 where Pistorious reportedly shot Steenkamp.
Oscar Pistorius was rescheduled to testify again on his murder trial after being too emotional while giving his testimony, reported BBC.
Oscar Pistorius allegedly kill Reeva Steenkamp during last year’s Valentine’s Day according to a Pretoria High Court after Pistorius ex-girlfriend Samantha Taylor testified that the athlete never goes out without carrying his gun.
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