Mel Gibson accused of physical and verbal abuse against a news photographer


Mel Gibson is on a heated reports claiming that he allegedly abused a female news photographer, Kristi Miller, who took photos of him and his girlfriend, Rosalind Ross in Paddington. Kristi Miller has said to have been shouted and physically hurt the news photographer.

Mirror UK shared in a report that Mel Gibson's camp denied these allegations. Also, in a statement released by Kristi Miller of the Daily Telegraph, she narrated that she took a photo of the actor and his 24-year old girlfriend, and got shoved at the back the moment she turned around. The actor yelled, called her a dog and spat on her face, Kristi Miller added.

The Oscar-winning actor and director called the narrative and statement of Kristi Miller a complete fabrication, solidly denying the allegations, The Guardian shared. The incident happened in Paddington where Mel Gibson and girlfriend, Rosalind Ross were seen leaving the Palace Verona cinema together. On the other side, Mel Gibson's party said that Kristi Miller harassed them even after she was told to stop taking photographs of them. The actor's side emphasized that there was never a physical contact happened between the two parties.

Hollywood Reporter now cleared that Australian police are investigating the incident and taking note of each side's statement about what occurred. Both parties were saying a different statement from the other and both are standing strong about their sworn facts.

Both parties are being looked out for about their story and other occurrence during the time the incident happened. Nonetheless, Mel Gibson continued with his engagements and other events he needs to attend to while his publicist, Alan Nierob, is taking care of things to clear his name about the said allegations thrown at him. On the other hand, Paul Whittaker, Telegraph's editor, supported his colleague, Kristi Miller, regarding this case.

Mel Gibson, The Guardian, Australia

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