From ‘Never Say Never’ to 'It Feels Done': ‘Breaking Bad' Star Bryan Cranston on Not Wanting to Bring Heisenberg Back


After giving a major hint about "Breaking Bad" on 2014, the series star Bryan Cranston now wants to leave Walter White behind. The 59-year-old actor may have been teasing during last year's interview, but his words revived hopes for die-hard fans who mourned the loss of both the character and the critically acclaimed series.

The Rolling Stones recorded the CNN interview with the "Breaking Bad" star last year. When Cranston was asked what if Walter White really died or not, he teased the fans by saying that they "never saw a [body] bag zip up or anything." To answer another question about the possibility that the character will show up in a movie again, Cranston replied: "Never say never."

Things have changed recently when Cranston told Entertainment Tonight Canada which part he would love to return to if he will be given the chance. "I don't have a yearning to go back into [Walter's] world because we just covered it completely I think." he answered. "Right now, I think, I look back on 'Malcolm In The Middle.' It's been 10 years since we went off the air, and it'd be fun to pick up that guy's clothes again and be fun and sweet and adorable and hapless and clueless and afraid of everything," he added.

At the present, Cranston is focused on his new movie, Trumbo, a film which goes back in 1940's and talks about Communist blacklisting scandal in Hollywood. He seems to be excited about the film when he mentioned "'Trumbo" was a great guy to get involved in," during the same interview with ET Canada.

Whether or not Cranston is teasing his fans again, many surely wants to see a show that is as interesting and compelling as "Breaking Bad".

What do you think "Breaking Bad" fans? Will you just accept that the series is over and Walter is dead? Or will you change your mind if the original writers will come up with the same clever story to continue the legend of Walter White?

Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston, AMC, TV series

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