Bloodborne The Old Hunters DLC News: 8-hour gameplay, 3 NEW areas, 15 weapons, NPCs announced; Masaaki Yamagiwa confirms November 24 launching


Bloodborne Producer Masaaki Yamagiwa has confirmed that the upcoming expansion dubbed as 'The Old Hunters' is the one and only DLC that will arrive for the PS4 exclusive game. He also discussed in details the new weapons, added gameplay, setting and other reveals to give the fans a sneak peek of what to get in the latest add-on.

In a talk with Eurogamer at Tokyo Game Show last week, Yamagiwa did confirm that Bloodborne Old Hunters DLC will be out in November 24 and that Sony no longer has plans to release any more expansion packs hence, PlayStation Lifestyle reports.

Yamigawa was quoted saying, "We were originally planning on doing two sets of DLC. It was decided that with one set, we'd be able to do more with it, and have more volume for players to play with. As of right now, we have no plans for any more DLC."

"I should mention, though, we finished making the game and then moved into production on the DLC. It took that long, but that's because of the sheer amount of volume. We're sorry it took so long! But it's as fast as was possible considering what's in it," he added.

The Old Hunters DLC will contain 3 new areas which would sum up to eight- hour long gameplay, adds 10 to 15 new weapons which include a whip that turns into a katana sword and a dagger that can be used as a bow and arrow.

In addition, new NPCs will also be introduced which will make the game's campaign longer but the. Chalice Dungeons will not be part of it. .

As revealed on Sony's offical blog post, the upcoming expansion will let gamers to "experience the nightmare of the hunters who once guarded Byrgenwerth's darkest secrets,"

In his full interview with Gamespot, Yamagiwa also dished a few more details about the setting, the difficulty, stages, and secrets that can be found in The Old Hunters expansion. A summary is provided as follows:

  • There will be three stages that cannot be accessed from a sub-menu or from the beginning. The content is locked off until a particular level is reached.
  • The setting is described as 'a nightmare where the Old Hunters have been trapped' and the lore of Yharnam will be extended.
  • Difficulty should be about on par with succeeding parts of the game.

To date, Bloodborne has recorded more than 2 million sales copies worldwide which is viewed as a remarkable milestone. The Old Hunters DLC will hit PS4 on November 24 at a price of $19.99.


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