Snapchat new update can be good for business


Snapchat just released the latest update of their product today. According to the announcement, the four years old company releases its first in-app purchase feature for their 'Replays' along with a new face effect lenses. The 'Replays' feature is only available for US users for the time being.

'Replays' was first introduced in 2013 allowing user to replay one message per day for the second time. With the latest update, users can get more replay by paying $0.99 for 3 replays and as high as $4.99 for 20 replays.

The Guardian said that there is no limit on how many 'Replays' users wanted to buy, but a snap can only be replayed once.

Since there is no limit to replay, businesses can make full use of this new feature to drive more customers.

By creating a high impact snap, businesses will have a higher chance of getting notice as other social media users will use their replays to record the snap and share it with others. This will help make a great brand presence among social media users.

Businesses can also use he 'Replays' as their giveaway to lucky snapchatter who promoted their product. Since the price of 'Replays' is a bit pricey, doing a competition based on this in-app purchase will let users engage with the business and build a great mutual relationship.

For 'Lenses' feature update, Snapchat is utilizing the latest technology it acquired from Looksery, an Ukranian startup founded in 2013. Lenses works by using facial recognition pattern in selfie mode. The system will detect users face and trigger a chosen animation in one tap.

Based on TechCrunch tutorial, using lenses is relatively simple and users can easily get the most out of the latest update. To activate the animation, the user has to turn on their front camera, choose the selfie mode and choose the desired animation.

The new feature will help users to stand out from the rest. Businesses can also use the animation to creatively advertise their brand by creating a short advertisement using the snap.

The Independent reported that lots of users posting their Snapchat using the latest filters immediately after it was released signalling the high popularity of the new update.

However, lots of users are raising their concern over the in-app purchase for 'Replays' as it could hinder them from being creative with their Snapchat since the receiver could even record the snap using other people's phone when replaying it for the second time.

The latest updates will allow Snapchat to generate more money with their apps instead of relying on advertisement alone. The move is seen as similar with Tinder's strategy that limit the number of user's right swipe, but allowing users to pay to get more swipe.

Snapchat, Social media

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