Google's Android security team defeats the attack of Trojan virus in Russia


Google's Android Security Team was successful in identifying and combatting mobile banking Trojans in Russia through fraud apps. The Internet giant implemented mobile security, safety, and other steps on harmful applications in Android devices. This decreased the percentage of those who get victimzed of fraud.

Sebastian Porst, a senior software engineer at Google said in Tech Times that there were 86 percent of malware in mobile banking that was located in Russia alone. However, Porst added that the percentage of those who were affected decreased in Q1 of 2015 due to the success of the Internet Company in implementing security on smartphones.

Aside from the mobile security, related report mentioned that Google ran manual and automated analyses of the app submission, method of writing app and who submitted apps. Trojan affected Android devices through apps which compromised important information like bank details. In addition, Tech Times said that Android scans installed or recommended apps and if found potentially harmful, it will be suggested to be uninstalled. The release of Android 6.0 Marshmallow for public use also helped in containing the virus.

On the other hand, Enterprising Asia discussed the mechanism of Trojan in Android phones. It is consisted of phishing malware that keeps an eye on user's banking apps to take financial information. Hackers then can have the full control to the user's passwords of his/her bank. Roman Unuchek, a comparison malware researcher of Kaspersky Lab said in the report that the attacks of Trojan grew steadily in 2014.

Kaspersky Lab listed the impacts of Trojan to devices and the mentioned mechanism of the virus on Android devices is called Trojan-Spy. For those who are not familiar, this is a program which enables to spy data entering on the device, including applications.

Google's security system was such a success in containing malwares on Android devices in Russia. The release of the new software, Android Marshmallow showed great advantage too of those who installed it.


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