Reality TV Star Kim Kardashian Revealed that being Pregnant is the Worst experience she had in her Life


The "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star Kim Kardashian is having her second baby and its going to be a boy and a great joy for her and hubby, Kanye West. However, amidst of her pregnancy, it seems like Kim is going through hard times. The reality TV star opened up her real feelings regarding her pregnancy. She revealed being pregnant is the worst experience in her life.

The 34 year old wife of the rapper Kanye West is pregnant on their second child. Though, the couple had struggled to have another child, Kim Kardashian wants to be honest on her fans and followers regarding her pregnancy. According to the Daily Mail, the American model-socialite had publicly expressed her real feelings about her pregnancy on her latest official website, the

She honestly said it on her post, "I'm gonna keep it real: For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life!' 'the complete mindf*ck of how your body expands and nothing fits."

Kim continued to complain her frustrations saying she don't understand why many people enjoy it. "Maybe it's the swelling, the backaches. I just always feel like I'm not in my own skin." The reality star actress also revealed one "gross thing" she didn't really like about. "People just don't tell you all of the gross things that happen during pregnancy or after. Do you know you basically have to wear a diaper for two months afterwards?! LOL! No one told me that!" Just Jared wrote.

Kim Kardashian had also previously expressed her sentiments of exasperation over her pregnancy experience on an interview with Ellen Degeneres' talk show, according to the Huffington. The second time pregnant reality star had told the host that many people believe being pregnant is a beautiful thing. However, Kim popped the bubbles saying that it is not really true.

Despite revealing all the downsides of pregnancy, the reality star ended her post on a positive view. "Really, it is all SO worth it when you have your precious baby in the end! So for all my complaining, it's 100 percent worth it and more."

Kim kardashian news, Kim kardashian pregnant

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