Toyota & Suzuki Ties Up for Deal Exploration

To widen both of their horizons in car manufacturing, Toyota and Suzuki ties up for a business exploration ventures.

Gartner: For eight consecutive quarters, sales of global PC declined

Gartner emphasizes that the sales of desktops, laptops, and other devices dropped 5.7 percent in the third quarter of 2016.

Nevada OKs Raider Stadium Deal

Nevada Senate approves the stadiium funding deal with 16-5 vote. Next step will be the Nevada General Assembly.

$6.2 million from India Life Science Fund for Oasis Center

Oasis Center, the leading chain in vitro-fertilization has announced it partnership with India's Life Sciences Fund.It has invested $6.2 millon in the company. The proceeds of the funding is allocated to extend its chain of IVF centers.

Latest News

The Russian president expressed his support to OPEC. He announced that Russia is ready to join it. OPEC urged other non-members to give their commitments.
Gary Fullam, the investment adviser of Global Investment said that though U.S. stocks had risen its gain, still it is not a reason to celebrate. Firms are still threaten of the bull market.
U.S. stocks rise its gain. It leap up so high and while other stocks plungeto the lowest blow. Apple takes over Samsung, as it suffers from production for the replacement of the recalled unit. Other firms are enjoying its net as it rise up to a certain degree.
Duke Energy Corp., an electric power holding company which aims to focus on its regulated power business, decided to sell its Brazilian assets to China's Three Gorges Corp. – a state-owned power company for $1.2 billion.
The two statesmen had signed the agreement on the said "Turkish Stream" project. The project is about building a gas pipeile from the Black Sea to Turkey. This will be then distributed to European Union nations.
Alibaba Pictures goes Hollywood in partnering up with Amblin Partners for producing films and productions.
AimCo's CEO is pleased to announce their partnership with Journey Energy Inc. Journey released 4.95 million investment. AimCo was so happy that it has victoriously enterted a strategic financing firm with Journey.
Not gaining enough support, Oracle threatens to end NetSuite deal. Oracle has threatened to pull out $8. 8bn bid for cloud software with company NetSuite due to lacking support for the latter to pursue.
The president of the United States made a five-minutes speech about the agreement. The deal talked about the climate change. It urged the nations to take precautionary measures to save and delay the effects of climate change.
Verizon was now pushing Yahoo for a $1 Billion off on its pending agreement. Verizon is now pushing a $1 billion off its pending $4. 8 billion agreement to buy Yahoo.
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