Paris Climate Deal Is Now A Law
Really focusing on the alarming effects of climate change, Paris climate deal tends to be a law. World leaders acknowledge that much remains to be fleshed out if countries are to achieve the stated goal of limiting global temperature increases to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and as close to 1.
Christiano Ronaldo Is On Another Deal With Real Madrid
The newest Real Madrid star Christiano Ronaldo will extend more years with Real Madrid as he signs new contract for it.
UK Trade Deal With India Hit A Snag
Great Britain's trade deal with India is on a snag as Prime Minister Theresa May travels to India.
NBC Universal To Sign In Advertising Deal With Apple
Having no marketing team, Apple seeks Comcast expertise to promote itsself more to the public. The Corporation of ComCast NBC Universal will begin selling ads for Apple Inc's News app next year in an exclusive deal, both companies announced on Monday.