Firm Management
Brazil Real surges on USD60 billion plan
The central bank of Brazil had created an intervention plan of USD60 billion in loans and foreign currency swaps as inflation threatened the country's economy following the plunged of the real to a four year low this week.
Microsoft CEO wealth totals USD786 million as Ballmer retires
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer would sit as the second biggest shareholder in Microsoft, after co-founder Bill Gates, after his retirement to follow in the next 12 months.
American Homes 4 Rent to fire employees after loss
American Homes 4 Rent (AMH) announced yesterday that it had fired a group of workers after financial losses were reported in the second quarter of the fiscal year.
JPMorgan evaluates dealings with foreign banks
JP Morgan Chase & Co. said that it would halt receiving any new businesses from foreign banks neither would it accept new clients.