Firm Management

TrimTabs reports losses amounting to US$47.2 billion in June

TrimTabs has reported losses amounting to US$47.2 billion for bond mutual funds and bond ETFs. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the gold inset sign of Wall Street.

Closed End Funds Increasing in Number and Value

Closed end funds are increasing in number and value, with 24 funds launched having US$10.5 billion in portfolio value.

Pekao Seeking New Acquisitions

Pekao, after failing to purchase Nordea Bank Polska, is now seeking out new acquisitions. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the corporate logo of Bank Pekao SA.

Eurobank names new CEO

Eurobank names Megalou as its new chief executive officer. (Photo : Reuters)The image shows a person coming out from a Eurobank branch. Eurobank, among the largest lenders to Greece, should follow an autonomous and more independent course, said its new chief executive officer on Friday.

Latest News

Bank of America Corp, the second biggest bank in the US by asset announced its new investment banking vice chairman, John Binnie from Moelis & Co.
Suntech extended its forbearance agreement with its bondholders. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the frontage of the corporate headquarters of Suntech. Chinese solar energy and systems manufacturer Suntech Power Holdings Company extended a forbearance agreement with what it says as "a majority" of its unpaid convertible bond holders.
According to a WSJ report, China is set to appoint Ding Xuedong to be the new head of China Investment Corporation.
Speculation of a takeover bid from Rosneft, Lukoil's head squashed said rumors. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the corporate logo of Lukoil. According to Lukoil CEO, the company did not receive any takeover offers nor do they expect any other firm to make one for the company.
Rona Inc, in a bid to be more competitive, is further cutting back on overheads and salaries. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the corporate logo of Rona Inc.
Jason Hardage was hired by USA Tank for the regional sales manager position. (Photo : Reuters)This is an oil tank. Tank storage systems provider USA Tank said on Thursday that it hired Jason Hardage as its new regional sales manager.
Jim Douglass was announced as Fulcrum's new partner. (Photo : Reuters)This is the logo of Fulcrum Equity Partners. Fulcrum Equity Partners announced today that Jim Douglass as its new partner.
Yesterday, Bumi agreed to recover the missing US$173 million from its former CEO, Rosan Roeslani but is still subject to shareholders' approval.
A high profile lawsuit was filed against venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers by an ex-partner with allegations on harassment, retaliation and discrimination.
After due investigation, the special committee finds no breach of fiduciary duty conducted by the board of directors of Lufkin Industries for the GE deal.