Firm Management

Orege Gets New Capital From IPO

Orege secures new capital from concluded IPO (Photo : Reuters)Orege SA, French Water Technology Company raises needed capital from concluded IPO French water technology company Orege SA raised Eur20 million with the completion of an initial public offering that was posted on Euronext Paris.

Diageo Secures Position in India through Control over United Spirits

Diageo Plc, the world's largest distiller acquired control of United Spirits Ltd (UNSP), a well-known maker of Bagpiper whiskey in India.

Transpetrol Backs Out Of Joint Venture

Stolt-Nielsen Limited announced the withdrawal of Transpetrol from joint venture (Photo : Reuters)Stolt-Nielsen Limited announced Transpetrol's withdrawal from joint venture Stolt-Nielsen Limited made the announcement that Transpetrol Gas Holdings Limited (Transpetrol) opted to buy back gas carriers that they sold to Avance Gas Holding Ltd (AGHL).

UPDATE: EBX Group collapses after Batista's exit

EBX Group's shares were considered worthless as the company officially breaks up today. (Photo : Reuters)This is Eike Batista. The exit of Brazilian billionaire Eike Batistsa from MPX Energia officially started the collapse of his former industrial conglomerate giant EBX Group.

Latest News

Five directors of Trio Capital Limited accepted enforceable undertakings from APRA. (Photo : Reuters)This is the corporate logo of Trio Capital. In an announcement made by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority or APRA today, five Trio Capital Limited directors have been relieved of their positions due to their admission of failure.
According to sources, Barclays PLC, Citigroup Inc and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are set to manage Eastern Europe's largest budget carrier, WIzz Air's initial public offering.
Telefonica SA, Spain's top broadband and telecommunications provider plans to hold off initial public offering of Colombia division because of government talks.
Temasek, a Singaporean sovereign wealth fund, posted a portfolio gain citing good investments as reason.
To achieve the 3% leverage ratio target proposed by Basel, analysts claimed that Deutsche Bank still has to increase its capital or decrease its assets by 409 billion Euros.
TigerAir Singapore, is planning on expanding and increasing its roster of flights to Malaysia. (Photo : reuters. com)Tigerair plans Malaysian Expansion At the present, TigerAir only has flights to Penang and Kuala Lumpur.
Russia's Gazprombank has withdrawn from the Swiss franc Tier 2 Bond deal, source revealed. (Photo : maximzimin. com)Gazprombank pulls out of deal allegedly While the third largest bank belonging to the Russian Federation, Gazprombank, has yet to give an official statement on this move, the source confirmed that the bank preferred to wait for better market conditions before continuing on with the Swiss Franc Tier 2 deal.
Dayli, an Austrian drug store chain acknowledged that its neighborhood stores concept is not effective, and therefore filed for a restructuring on Thursday.
Two food giants, Nestle and Danone faced China's probe on the food sector for unethical practices with price cuts on infant milk formula.
Mairs & Power Prepares for Bill Frels'Retirement (Photo : Reuters)This is the logo of Morningstar, who gave Mairs & Power Growth and Balanced funds a Silver Analyst Ratings under Bill Frels' leadership.