Firm Management
Top 3 Invesco Mutual Funds
There are to three mutual funds that Invesco offered to investors. Invesco explained each of the features and highlighted its uniquely quality compared to other mutual funds.
Hedge Fund Platinum Partners Owes BackFraction of Firm Ownerships
Hedge Fund Platinum Partners requested to pull their money from the firm. Bernard Fuchs pulled some of his money for charitable donations. Though he insisted some of the investors to stay put, investors were alarmed and would like to do the same since the firm was under federal investigations.
FDA Releases New Standard on Manufactured Food
To uphold its mission and responsibility to keep US safe from any food contamination and other diseases relative thereto, United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued revised food safety standards for state regulatory programs that oversee food facilities that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods. These regulatory program standards also known as the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS),
The Sony A6300 vs the new A6500
Sony announce new camera, the A6500. This is suitable for those people who love taking pictures. Soon will be ship on November this year.