Firm Management

Chinese Venture Capital Firm Pando Group is Investing $2 Million in Israeli Fintech Hub The Floor

Israeli fintech hub initiative is receiving $2 million investments from Chinese venture capital firm Pando Group. The partnership is expected to build the bridge between Israel companies and the Asian markets.

The First Case of Apple's OS X Ransomware Was Reported in BitTorrent Client App

The first case of ransomware malware in Apple’s OS X was reported last week, via an infected BitTorrent client app, Transmission. Both Transmission and Apple has responded to that threat and prevent further infections.

Uber Spends and Losses Big on International Expansion, Challenged by Regulations and Rivalry

An official filing revealed that Uber is facing huge loss in its international operation, as the company spent big on global expansion. The main factors of the loss are regulatory obstacles and local rivalry.

$80 Million ‘Golden Parachute’ Package For Dow And DuPont CEOs

DuPont and Dow Chemical Co. have agreed for a $130 million merger reflecting ‘merger on equals’. Following the merger, Dow CEO, Andrew Liveris will enjoy the lion share of $52.8 million while Edward Breen, DuPont’s CEO, will get $27.2 million. However, this appears as a true “Golden Parachute’ only for Liveries since Breen has secured job in the proposed merged entity.

Latest News

Intending the erase the image of lavish supercar maker, McLaren has introduced its 570 GT model. The auto manufacturer has pledged to continue producing cheaper cars for broadening its arena in the UK automobile market. The car maker has adopted an expansion strategy involving £1 billion fund aiming to triple the yearly production.
The US Department of Labor has proposed a fiduciary rule which is believed to cause increase cost for brokerage business. The proposed rule is now being reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. But fearing enactment of tougher rules, Metlife has announced on Monday selling its US adviser unit to MassMutual for $300 million.
Eroding revenue from bond trading and other core services, Morgan Stanley has changed its business focus towards asset management business. It has also focused on Latin America to procure investment in US businesses. To ensure the business hunting, the banking giant has planned for appointing 75 advisers for this region during this year.
The Sacramento Kings announced a tech startup contest for local entrepreneurs. Supported by local investment firm Velocity Venture Capital, finalists will get an opportunity to pitch their ideas to judges and a chance to win a cash prize and consultation sessions with the Kings executives.
Facebook’s WhatsApp announced that they will stop supporting older mobile platforms, including BlackBerry, Nokia, as well as older Android and Windows operating systems. The decision would allow the app to further improve its features beyond older smartphones’ capabilities.
Danske Bank has reportedly spent $60 million against its workforce compared with a year earlier. Meanwhile, the bank company has recently achieved an average ‘buy’ rating from most of the analysts. To retain the achievement with further upgrading, the bank has adopted cost cutting measures which include job cuts in 46 positions of mostly the IT portfolio.
Converse is adopting a new approach to update its Chuck Taylor shoes. The shoemaker revealed its newest Chuck II Reflective Print collection with an improvement in functionality and visual features to offer users a brand-new style and experience.
Bikes maker Palo Alto Bicycles, which Silicon Valley startups have often contacted to purchase high-end custom bikes for their employees, have confirmed a decline in sales. The declining sales are likely to be an indicator that startups are being more careful in spending money as investors got tighter in demanding profitability.
Opportunity Network introduces its eligible anonymous members in its platform to facilitate deals. The membership subscription fees generate sufficient revenue to grow the networking site up to a valuation of $150 million. Surprisingly, the network startup has grown up to a valuation of $150 million from $100 million in just a year without any fund from VC.
China has represented itself as a familiar lender to the Latin American Countries and businesses fighting for debts. In a similar approach, it has extended loan facility to Brazilian indebted oil giant Petrobras for $10 billion securing oil for Chinese companies. The announcement has appeared just after the latest downgrading by Moody’s to junk status following several other credit rating agencies.
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