Firm Management

Samsung Debuts 4K Blu-Ray Player, UBD-K8500/ZA For $399 With Limited Availability

Samsung has released 4K Blu-ray player, UBD-K8500/ZA at selective stores of Santa Monica. The product has been expected to get released sometime in March. The new video player for $399 is believed to offer a superb content viewing experience.

UK Green Bank And BlackRock Consortium Acquires GLID Wind Farms For £423 million

The UK Green Investment Bank Financial Services ties up with world’s largest asset manager BlackRock to purchase GLID Wind Farms. The farms located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and Lincolnshire are capable of producing 220 MW clean powers. With the acquisition, GIBF will produce 3,970 GWh of clean power each year. Meanwhile, BlackRock will own and manage 66 wind and solar projects in Europe and North America on behalf of its clients.

Reorient Group Joint Ventures $457 Million Investment Firm In Shanghai

Reorient Group Ltd. has reportedly formed a $3 billion yuan ($457 million) joint venture with partners. The Shanghai based proposed Joint Venture (JV) firm, Yunfeng Securities Co., will have a registered capital of 1 billion yuan. The JV entity will go operative subject to receipt of approval from China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Apple Plans To Transform iPhone Apps To Android Compatible Versions Aiming To Boost Revenue

Apple has tasted the sweet of transforming iPhone apps to Android compatible versions through Apple Music in 2015. In addition to introduce versatile range of products, Apple CEO has announced the future plan in a company wide meeting. Analysts have presumed that Apple is considering every feasible mean to boost up revenue earnings.

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The deal was a huge move forward for both Veolia and Kurion. Veoila is determined to expand its business to nuclear waste management and believes that Kurion is the perfect partner to achieve that goal. Kurion itself is a successful startup focusing in nuclear waste involved in the Fukushima nuclear incident clean-up in 2011.
Sharp Corp board has gathered today to weigh the bidding offers. The competition is between the Taiwanese electronics giant, Foxconn and the Japanese government-backed establishment, Innovation Network Corporation of Japan. While ICNJ has always been the favoured choice, Foxconn is giving it a stiff competition by way of doubling the offered price along with debt pay-offs and retention of management and employees.
Google, for the first time, has disclosed financials on earnings, expenditure, asset value and future business planning. From the financials, analysts have found lot of scopes for Google and its parent company, Alphabet to expand. Google’s ad earnings have been witnessed to rise significantly during the year 2015. Meanwhile, it has spent only $3.6 billion in its ambitious technology projects during the same period. The net earning of Alphabet has been reached to $4.9 billion. Adding this earning to the net asset value, Alphabet has been recognized as the worlds most worthy enterprise.
Both ChemChina and Syngenta have agreed on the amount of $34 billion for ChemChina to acquire the Swiss company. The acquisition, if completed, would be the biggest foreign purchase ever made by a Chinese company. However, the trend shows that Chinese company are showing interest in investing overseas, especially in the Western countries.
Rolls has defeated joint venturing General Electric and Pratt & Whitney while being awarded a £6.1billion deal with Emirates during April last year. Now the British car manufacturer again succeeds in snatching another deal worth $2.7billion with airline company Norwegian. The recent achievement is believed to accelerate Rolls CEO’s ongoing overhauling efforts aiming to establish transparency and cost cut of $200 million a year by 2017.
Apple has been used to acquire smaller technology enterprises occasionally and is reluctant to discussing its policy or plan. This has been referred as the Apple’s usual nod for purchasing any company by the analysts. Thus the analysts confirm Apple’s Flyby Media acquisition and predict developing of iPhone headsets capable of tracking subject’s motion.
Google has been reported to conduct secret tests over drones under codename of SkyBender at Spaceport America in New Mexico. The tech giant is using 5G wireless that involves millimeter wave technology which is considered as the future of high speed data transmission technology. Though the test results have been kept secret, but the $300,000 tests bring fortune for Virgin Galactic Spaceflights, reportedly suffering from cash crunch.
Amazon has become inspired by Prime’s offers for free delivery within two days against online purchases for more than $100. Instead of spending more for shipping, Amazon is slowly approaching towards own delivery system through purchasing trucks and building own warehouses. These efforts have engaged current assets and narrow down fourth quarter profit. But 26% rise in yearly sales indicates a very different outlook.
BugSec and Cynet, two computer security companies have identified a security loophole in LG’s G3 smart phones. A built in app in G3 smart phones, naming Smart Notice, has enabled hackers to use the loophole to steal data. Upon information and following demonstrations from the researchers, LG has released a new version of Smart Notice containing a patch and urges users to run the new app ASAP.
Boeing has announced reducing production during 2016. The news has caused US Aerospace Share prices to go down by 9% on Wednesday, which has regained a little on Thursday. The production cut is not due to tattering financial condition of the aircraft manufacturer, but it is related to a transforming strategy. Still the manufacturer holds orders for delivery of around 6,000 aircraft, which represents a different tale.
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