Emerging Debt Trading Decline by 12% in 2013's First Quarter
Emerging debt market trading fell by 12% in the first quarter of 2013. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the facade of the New York Stock Exchange. The trading volume for debts from emerging markets declined by 12% in the first quarter of 2013 compared to the previous year.
Canadian Dollar steady, but not for long
The Canadian dollar remains steady against the US dollar, but may change once the Federal Reserve Chairman makes his remarks on quantitative easing.
Curacao retains rating but S&P lowers outlook
Curacao retained its A minus credit rating from Standard and Poor's but declines in outlook. (Photo : R)The image is the corporate headquarters facade of Standard & Poor's.
Aruba's Credit Rating Downgraded by S&P
Aruba's credit rating now at BBB+ from A- according to Standard and Poor's. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the logo of Standard and Poor's 500.