
Russian Billionaire to Sell Off Aeroflot

Russian billionaire Alexander Lebedev is in talks to sell 4.5% of his stake in the country's flagship carrier, Aeroflot.

RBS Board Decides for CEO Resignation Prior IPO

CEO for Royal Bank of Scotland was persuaded by the bank's board to step down to enable his successor to be in place prior the government's sale of its 81% stake.

Apollo Tyres fell by 18% After Cooper Deal

India-based Apollo Tyres Ltd shares were down by 18% after the announced US$2.4 million deal to acquire Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. due to worries of the company's debt.

Vanguard Announces Public Offering Price

Vanguard Natural Resources announces its public offering of 2,200,000 shares at US$25 per share. Vanguard Natural Resources LLC has announced today the pricing of its public offering.

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Clearwire Corp's board has urged its shareholders to accept the offer proposed by Dish priced at US$4.40 over the US$3.40 offer from Sprint.
Severn Trent rejection of the LongRiver consortium bid causes ripples in the mergers and acquisitions market as well as losses for hedge fund firms anticipating the buyout sale.
Developing countries are the new hotspots for investors in renewable energy according to two studies promoted by the United Nations.
Rainfall in one of the world's main growing area of robusta coffee signals bearish bets as the industry stumbles, falling to its lowest level in almost a year and a half. The weather is expected to be more favorable for growers in Indonesia next week.
More discussions between Rio and Glencore is said to have transpired after early talks were held for the venture of two thermal coal assets in Australia.
According to a Wall Street Journal report, Carlyle Group seeks a hefty US$4 billion property fund, the biggest property fund since the financial crisis once gotten successfully.
Hewlett Packard's (HP) Indian unit faced a US$386 million order after the Indian customs department stated that the company has underpaid dues while importing spare parts and other products into India.
Within the past week, an informal takeover bid for Kabel Deutschland Holding AG was initiated by Vodafone.
The FTSE Emerging Markets index fell 1.7 % on Tuesday. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the flag of South America's largest economy, Brazil. FTSE declined from its peak last May to more than 10 percent.
Gemalto was chosen by SoftBank Mobile for the commercial launch of mobile NFC services in Japan. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the Softbank corporate logo on the frontage of its company headquarters.
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