U.S. securities regulator bars Conrad Black from U.S. directorships
Former press mogul Conrad Black was barred from directorships by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and ordered him to pay USD4 million to Chicago Newspaper Liquidation Corp.
Bank of England robust job data raises doubts on rates
The Bank of England's record low interest rates were doubted after an unexpected dissent from its policymaker and its robust jobs data.
Gap and Urban Outfitters record top retailer earnings
Gap and Urban Outfitters showed top earnings in retail apparel. Top 2 apparel retail companies are set to report earnings as the back-to-school season starts next week.
General Electric launches renewable energy program in Estonia
General Electric pursued its renewable energy program in Estonia after abandoning a solar plant project in the United States.
Latest News
Raifeisen Bank International CEO said financial investors would prop up its capital requirements. Raiffeisen Bank International, one of Austria's foremost banks, has said that part of its capital requirements would be met by financial investors.
In accordance with the new free trade zones, China planned to simply its legislation to attract foreign strategic and financial investors.
ShopRunner added to Alibaba's recent purchases made to help in the former's IPO. Recently, ShopRunner a private shipping company owned by Michael Rubin, sold minority stakes to Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba Group.
US anti-trust regulators filed a lawsuit against US Airways and American Airlines' USD11 billion merger saying that the deal would only result to higher air fares, service reduction and a strangled competition in the industry.
BBlackstone entered into talks with Goldman Sachs to purchase a minor stake in pensions and insurance company Rothesay Life.
Last Wednesday, North and South Korea said through a joint statement that it would reopen the Kaesong industrial zone to attract foreign investors.
China announced its plans of easing laws for foreign investors in its free trade zones. China has planned to ease laws on foreign investment in the country's new free trade zones.
China would be giving perks for foreign and private investors interested in providing elderly care services and facilities in the country.
Pertrobras sold oil assets to raise USD2 billion to finance five-year plan. Petróleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) has sold oil stakes on different petrochemical and oil explorations projects.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India said the country will not replaying the crisis that occurred in 1991 even as it experiences its slowest growth in a decade.