Investments in Indian agri-business rise 75% in first half of 2013
The first half of the year saw investments in agri-business rise 75% in India. Investments in Indian agri-business firms rose 75% in the first half of 2013.
KKR to manage TPSF for shareholders
TPSF shareholders announced that KRR will manage US$78 worth of assets. Shareholders of PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk (TPSF) announced that they have signed a definitive agreement with KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts).
Wisconsin bill supports business financing and job creation
Wisconsin bill that supported business financing and job creation was signed by Gov. Scott Walker. Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill Thursday that supported business financing as well as the creation of jobs in Wisconsin.
Disney and Hasbro signs new strategic marketing contract
Hasbro and Disney announced that they have formed a better strategic merchandising affiliation for the Disney/Marvel properties.