Recent Ukrainian court practice deemed to affect commercial transactions

Recent Ukrainian court practice was deemed to affect commercial transactions. Recent practices of courts in Ukraine were deemed to negatively affect commercial banking transactions.

Big Data company Ayasdi hits US$30.6 million in venture capital

Ayasdi reported that it has raised US$30.6 million in venture capital funding from Citigroup and GE Capital

Sauce Labs announces successful US$5 million funding and product enhancements

Sauce Labs reported that it had successfully raise US$5 million in funding and has started product enhancements.

Arthur Ventures closes US$45 million venture fund

Arthur Ventures announced the closure of their new US$45 million venture fund. Arthur Ventures reported the completion of Arthur Ventures Growth Fund II, L.

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Apollo Global Management announced that it is exiting its real estate unit, Realogy. Apollo Global Management announced that is exiting Realogy. The private-equity firm revealed an offering to offer its remaining 25 million shares in Realogy, a real-estate company.
The Cuba Beverage Company signs distribution agreement with New York and New Jersey's largest independent wholesale distributor, White Rose.
KKR and Blackstone started open ended mutual funds to attract individual investors. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts had introduced to individual investors an open-end mutual fund and now, one of the United States' biggest private equity firm, Blackstone is doing it too.
Ping Identity Corp stated that it raised around US$44 million from private equity and venture capital investors.
FishHawk Partners raised US$30 million and is to be invested heavily in manufacturing sector. FishHawk Partners LP, a new Houston-based private equity company, had accumulated up to US$30 million from investors.
Chevron announced the signing of an investment agreement with Argentina's YPF. Chevron announced that they have signed an agreement with Argentina's YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales).
The Stephens Group revealed that it has acquired Silicon Valley's Bay Area Internet Services. The Stephens Group, a private equity firm, acquired Bay Area Internet Services.
Canada's Brookfield Asset Management has placed a price tag for its Parramatta property in Sydney.
CBS Corp. entered into discussions with a private equity firm hoping to sell its outdoor business for around US$225 million.
Water Street Healthcare Partners announced that they have invested US$50 million in RTI Biologics to help it acquire Pioneer Surgical Technology.