Dell's Special Committee Evaluating New Bids

Dell reviewing Icahn and Blackstone offers against the Silver Lake/Dell offer. Currently, the special committee of the Board of Directors of Dell Inc is reviewing the takeover bids submitted by the Blackstone Group and billionaire Carl Icahn.

DP World Focuses on LatAm and Africa for Business

DP Chairman confirms move from US markets to Latin American and African countries for port business.

Lion Air Order Second Batch of planes

Lion Air, going full blast on its expansion in Asia, orders a new batch of planes from Airbus. Lion Air's recent aircraft orders underscore the plans that the Indonesian consortium is planning to become as the largest pan-Asian low cost carrier.

Latin American Countries Gird for New Round of Currency Wars

Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica and Mexico are preparing its financial systems for the pressure from foreign markets on their currencies.

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Cinven has raised Eur5 billion for at most four acquisitions in Europe this year. Cinven, the renowned private equity firm, has projected that it would make at most four acquisitions in Europe.
Gold prices surge as many investors opt for the metal in light of the Cyprus meltdown. Gold values expected to increase in the next quarter because of the current Cyprus crisis.
Itau' Unibanco emerges as top global debt manager according to Thomson Reuters data. Brazilian banks raced ahead of its foreign competition in the management of global debt offerings from both its government and fellow companies in 2012.
The slowdown in world markets and the decline of the US Dollar value against other currencies is a recipe for problems post 2008.
Investors are pulling away from investing money in funds, instead they co-investment alongside private equity companies.
Leveraged buyouts backed by private equity involved big names since financial crises. Leveraged buyouts backed by private equity have now caught world's attention as they continue to emerge since the economic meltdown.
U.S. companies have become more confident in completing larger acquisitions as the country shows receovery.
Foreign language schools market in Brazil are seeing a number of takeover. A number of takeovers in the foreign language schools market in Brazil have hinted education companies that the sector is growing fast as the demand for English-speaking women continues to rise.
SS&C's FRI indicate lower than average levels but may increase due to Cyprus meltdown. According to the SS&C GlobeOp's Forward Redemption Indicator, client pullout of money from hedge funds is expected to rise further as investors grow antsy about the debt crisis in Cyprus.
Reich & Tang is utilizing the benefits of floating rate instruments as it takes it stance on improvement investment strategy.
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