North America

U.S. consumers expect sluggish growth despite highest consumer sentiment level in six years

Consumer economic sentiment in the U.S. climbed to its highest number six years despite cross-currents among higher-income and lower-income households.

U.S. Government battles insider trading to level investment playing field

The U.S. government cracks into the insider trading world by weeding out suspects one by one but is it enough?

Silver Lake says US $13.75 per share is final offer for Dell stockholders

Private equity firm Silver Lake Management is maintaining its offer of US $13.75 per share for Dell Inc.'s buyout.

Obama, likely to postpone Federal Reserve Chairman appointment until fall

President Barack Obama remains undecided on Federal Reserve chairman pick and will most likely extend consideration of the matter until the fall.

Latest News

The tech giant’s website was recently hacked which posed a US$100 billion worth setbacks for American businesses.
The commodity market highlights that time is indeed of the essence. The commodity market is putting another definition to the old adage "time is gold.
Detroit's bankruptcy, the largest in US history, poses a couple of lessons which others should take keep mind.
Fabrice Tourre, former Goldman Sachs junior executive, contested the charges against him when he took the stand on Wednesday.
SAC Capital Advisors' CEO Steven A. Cohen's lawyers will contend he does not have time to look into each of his employees activities to argue his lack of liability over a civil complaint.
A source revealed that Publicis and Omnicom are in late-stage talks about a merger of equals. Two of the world's largest advertising firms are said to be in private talks about a possible merger.
JPMorgan announced that it will no longer be trading in physical commodities. JPMorgan Chase & Co announced that it will no longer be trading in physical commodities.
Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg increased his net worth after the company's stocks jumped yesterday.
Zynga planned to abandon real-money gaming, which upset investors. Zynga planned to abandon its plans for real-money gaming in the US. Gambling with real money is illegal in the country.
According to analysts, venture capitalists must add LinkedIn stocks to their portfolios and benefit from one of the internet's great opportunities.