North America

History offers no support for Detroit; scarce with happy endings for municipal bankruptcy filings

Local governments that filed for Chapter 9 did not exactly have happy endings. Detroit officials may be hopeful that their Chapter 9 bankruptcy filing will ultimately strengthen their economy, but history has shown otherwise.

Huawei takes over Apple's market share

Apple's smartphone market share decreased as Huawei's hold of the global industry increased.

Microsoft must focus on Windows 8 - analysts

Microsoft was advised by analysts to focus on its crucial product and stop steering at different directions.

One Google product after another, an effective strategy

Google recently announced their new Nexus 7 tablet, after its Chromecast and Google Glass prototype release.

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Furious debates arose as the website "The Oil Drum" is archived. With the recent decision to shelf the website "The Oil Drum", many are saying that it marks the end of an era.
Facebook is doing a good job, but I’d rather look at other companies first, according to Chris Hobbart of Hobbart Financial Group.
YouTube's performance against rival Netflix will impact how investors see Google in the future, analysts said.
Microsoft said that they developed a way to embed information on 3D printed objects. Traditional consumer products and merchandise usually have barcodes and tags that contain pricing and other related information about it.
After a sleepy first half this year, capital goods spending arose last month, bolstering hopes of faster economic growth.
Microsoft's recent fumbles and non-interest in its mobile phone ventures left Finnish company Nokia on the deep end.
According to analysts, the reorganization in Microsoft would help it bounce back due to the change in its attitude towards competition.
YouTube generates around US$4 billion to US$5.6 billion of Google's total earnings. Google's YouTube was put into the background after the tech titan's new Nexus 7, Chromecast and Google Glass innovation.
Analysts said that Microsoft would not win against the currently fast growing chipmaker Qualcomm. Microsoft's struggles do not stop with its problems in the software industry because it also faces a tough rival in the hardware sector.
Analysts stated that the tablet industry took over the PC industry's shine and if Microsoft wanted to get back, it needs to focus on a mobile-computer enterprise.