North America
Best Buy Rejects Plan
Best Buy closes door on takeover bid of its founder. The latest offer from its minority ownership was considered 'poor' by Best Buy Co. , prompting it to reject the bid by Richard Shulze's private equity sponsors.
Harris Teeter on Track for Record Takeover Valuation
Harris Teeter valued well above market rate, set to be record takeover in its industry. The US grocery store chain Harris Teeter Supermarkets have boasted that it has increased its sales every year in the past decade.
Herbalife Expands Board Membership
Herbalife expands board to eleven directors for Icahn investment. Herbalife has agreed to increase its board membership by two seats to be chosen by Carl Icahn.
Sandridge Posts 4th Quarter Loss
Sandridge Oil posts a 'happy' fourth quarter loss. Oil and gas company Sandridge Energy announced a fourth quarter loss while at the same time bucking criticism from its line of activist investors.