
TransCanada Acquires Columbia Pipeline For $13 Billion To Dominate Energy Sector In North America

TransCanda has announced on Thursday its acquisition of Columbia Pipeline for $13 billion in total, enabling the energy giant to represent itself as a dominant player in the businesses of natural gas across the North America. The deal appears following a series of announcement for merger in the energy sector including $2.3 billion deals in 2016.

French Government Green Signals EDF To Go Ahead With Hinkley Point C Power Project

EDF has been witnessing a stretched balance sheet mainly due to lower power tariff. The French utility’s CFO has resigned this month protesting go ahead with the Hinkley project citing its indebted status. However, French government has assured of financial bailout for EDF to go ahead with the project considering future business prospect.

Reshaping French Telecom Market: Orange, Altice & Iliad To Acquire Bouygues For €10 Billion

Bouygues SA is probably going to be acquired through a multi lateral deal. Though the deal appears for €10 Billion in total, Altice will have to pay €4 Billion. The rest deal amount will be paid by Orange SA, SFR and Illiad SA.

JPMorgan Board Approves Repurchase of $1.88 Billion In Stock

JPMorgan board has announced the approval of $1.88 billion buy-backs in stock. The recent buy back decision follows its earlier precedence of repurchasing stock for $6.4 billion. The board has allowed flexibility in timeframe and quantity of purchased shares or even pulling out from the decision at company’s own discretion.

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Sirius Minerals has decided to execute a potash mine, Britain's first potash mine in 40 years, at an investment of £2.5-billion. Sirius is planning to raise funds from investors and banks. Environmentalists are raising concerns , however, about the project as it would have underground network of tunnels underneath North York Moors National Park.
Tech company 373K decided to move from Georgia due to religious freedom bill that would allow anti-gay discrimination. After reaching the decision to move through voting, the company is now in the process in moving to Delaware.
Car insurer Admiral’s chief has decided to award every employee in his company £1,000 before he retires in May. Admiral has been seeing constant growth since 2011 and is now valued £5 billion under Mr Engelhardt’s leadership.
Uber has announced another new feather of its app, Family Profiles which enables customers to pay for the rides of their family members. The person, organizing the' Family Profiles' will be served a detailed report of the rides they are paying for. The feature is primarily available in select cities of the US.
Coherent has announced acquiring Rofin-Sinar through a deal for $942 million. The deal is expected to close by the coming six to nine months. Through the acquisition, Coherent eyes to represent itself as a global leader in the area of laser and photonics technology.
Boeing has chosen London as its home for new European headquarters. Boeing's decision came soon after a joint pronouncement of a host of businessmen in favor of Britain staying in Europe.
The UK government and Office for National Statistics (ONS) have decided to enhance data quality. Taking central bank Governor Charlie Bean's suggestions into consideration, the British government has earmarked GBP 17 million ($24 million) investment for creating new centers of excellence.
Citing drop in revenues, Moody's Investors Service has lowered Houston's $3 billion of general obligation debt by one level to Aa4. Lower oil prices and restrictions on raising taxes are keeping further pressure on Houston's economy.
LivingSocial, partly owned by Amazon, has represented itself as a foe in ecommerce business. Gautam Thakar, the new CEO has gone through a massive workforce reduction since his inception 18 months back. Beside job cuts, Thakar has transformed its business focus from daily deals to card linked discount business which is now being tested in three US cities and seems to be popular.
Executives of all pioneer manufacturers have called for promulgation of uniform federal law ahead of a hearing of the Senate Commerce Committee on Tuesday. Several states in the US have enacted own law prohibiting the driverless cars which has been cited as the reason for their advocacy. However, lawmakers and analysts prefer more scrutiny before initiating a uniform law.
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