
Chinese economic revolution pushing demand for Australian economy

The growing Chinese demand is boosting Australia’s food, health, tourism and education sectors. The economy transitions in dragon country from infrastructure investment to consumption-led growth is showing up all over Australia.

US labour market gains propelled by robust consumer spending

US labour market is gaining grounds helped by robust consumer spending, despite poor profits among corporate giants. The country added more than 200,000 jobs per month, with an average recruitment totalling to 213,000 new jobs a month in the past four years.

Egypt Unveils Special Economic Program To Attract Foreign Investment

Last week, the Bank of Egypt has increased its benchmark rates following a devaluation of local currency by 10%. The moves are believed to be parts of measures taken by the government to address the shortage in foreign currency reserves. Now, the Egyptian government has announced on Sunday a new special program to secure foreign aid and investments.

‘India-China Business & Investment Summit’ Glorifies The ‘Make In India’ Campaign

Seven day lingering summit of the ‘India-China Business & Investment Forum’ has been kicked off on Sunday while highlighting the ‘Make In India’ campaign. More than 20 Indian firms have participated in the summit. Meanwhile, four CEOs from Chinese companies already invested in India, have urged the Chinese investors to avail of the Indian government offered investment opportunities.

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Indian Rupee sovereign bonds are favorite among some global funds. India's high performing debt fund managers are predicting further gains from sovereign bonds as benchmark notes heading towards their best March returns in 13 years.
Japanese economy has been witnessed to go through sluggish growth rate. To boost up the economic growth, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been planning for announcing a stimulus package of new spending measures. Meanwhile, a Nikkei Inc./ TV Tokyo conducted poll shows that support for Abe’s economic reforms has been witnessed to rise by 8% to 55%.
Labour Party said the government plan to cut budget for border force. Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham urged government to disclose the budget plan.
Japan is planning big for exploring 'fintech' (financial technology) segment. The world's third largest economy has decided to ease restrictions on investment in the fintech sector. After the proposed Bill is cleared by Japan's Parliament, banks can have 100 percent holding in non-finance related firms.
China is planning to become a major force in the global semiconductor segment. State-run XMC is setting up a major $24-billion semiconductor project in association with a US company.
The rise in household spending has propelled US economy to grow surpass earlier forecasts for fourth quarter of 2015. However, the US GDP growth rate eased in fourth quarter from previous quarter.
Billionaire Lakshmi Mittal-controlled ArcelorMittal is selling three of its US steel operations to Black Diamond Capital Management. As part of the sale deal, ArcelorMittal will offload three units at LaPlace in Louisiana, Harriman in Tennessee and El Paso in Texas. Both companies denied to provide terms of the deal.
A tentative deal was reached by the Californian government over a statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour. No specific information has been conveyed yet but labor unions will pursue their initiatives. Gov. Jerry Brown and his advisers are still debating about the wage increase that would mean an additional expenditure for the government as it already pays for the worker's services for the disabled.
Vijay Mallya announcement his retirement as Sanofi India Chairman and wishes not to be elected anymore. He said that he wants to spend more time in England where his children stay.
Coal mines in Colorado are shutting down one by one. Most of the folks no longer have jobs and are now looking at the marijuana economic growth that could provide them income. Officials however, are worried about the peacefulness of the place and how the chaos if ever, could be handled by such few authorities.
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