
South Africa Unemployment Rate Declines to 24.5% in Q4

South Africa's unemployment rate drops to 24.5% in the fourth quarter due to increased employment in the finance industry which offsets job losses in agriculture and construction sector. But with the major sectors laying off jobs, and the cost cutting of the government will sure make the unemployment rate will rise again.

Precautions and Solutions in Selling Business Assets

To secure assets from a company sale, there are two main things that one needs to do: make sure the business entity of the company is preferable for private assets protections and put the said assets in an adequate insurances and retirement accounts.

Virgin Pulse Acquired Competitors ShapeUp and Global Corporate Challenge

Virgin Pulse acquires two competitors to extend its corporate well-being program. The company mainly focuses on the wellness of empoyees to make them live a better lifestyle and be more productive at work. The merger will expand the company's business through global reach and product synergy.

Nissan Leaf Companion App Vulnerabilites Revealed, Led The Car Company to Disable the App

A computer security researcher revealed the vulnerabilities of the Nissan Leaf’s companion app that could allow hackers to control the cars’ heating and cooling as well as access battery status. More than a month after the initial disclosure to Nissan, the company disabled the app while working to find a permanent solution.

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Oklahoma-based Chesapeake Energy has posted losses over $14 billion for 2015 and a net loss of $2.23 billion or $3.36 a share for the fourth quarter. The major reason for deep loss was writing down value of oil and gas fields in the wake of prolonged lower oil prices. However, the loss was better than the market forecast.
US dollar against Yen is rising as renewed buying support is propelling Japan's Nikkei index upwards. The priority shift among some investors from traditional safety net of Japanese currency to equities was the major reason on Nikkei's rise. The market players are eagerly waiting for the outcome of G-20 meeting this weekend in Shanghai.
According to Bill English, New Zealand can sustain low inflation as the central bank aim to reduce borrowing costs, if needed. New Zealand is hoping to achieve economic stability amid the global financial crisis.
President Jacob Zuma is at the center of criticism over lack of infrastructure facilities to attract foreign capital and global companies. All quarters of the society are calling for government's commitment to restore business confidence on South Africa.
China’s leading developer and operator of integrated casinos in Macau, Sands China, anticipate the casino industry recovery after a prolonged decline in revenues. The company is also preparing to finish its newest project, The Parisian Macao, to be launched later this year.
Uber’s self driving car project has first drawn attraction with poaching 50 robotics researchers from CMU in early 2015. Recently it has appeared in the news headline again with the announcement of developing a test driving site for its self-driven cars in Hazelwood of Pittsburg. Though some automakers predict for introducing their autonomous vehicle by 2020, but Uber has kept mum in this regard.
The economy in Alberta will continue to shrink for the next two years amid weak crude prices globally. The province's shortfall in 2017 -2017 is anticipated to outstrip the October outlook by almost $5 billion.
Google has planned to introduce WiFi network service in San Francisco during 2007 in collaboration with Earthlink. The initiative ultimately has gone into vein. Finally another Alphabet subsidiary, Google Fiber has announced introducing high speed gigabit internet service to some select places of San Francisco.
NASA is seeking new algorithms that could enable its Robonaut 2 to see better, despite the worn out sensors due to constant radiation. Coders can participate in a competition held by NASA and submit algorithms that could solve the problem and could also work with the humanoid’s existing central system and machinery.
Battery Ventures X has been closed in February 2013 with a fund of $900 million. Now, the Battery Ventures XI is going to be closed at $950 million, surpassing the predecessor funds. A large number of venture firms are expecting to receive funds in 2016, which may be good or bad news for some institutional investors.
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