
Palm Oil import bounces in India as weather trims oilseed harvest

Import of palm oil by India bounced after its first drop in a year. The growing demand coupled with harvest failure boosted the purchase of palm oil from overseas suppliers.

After Google, IKEA Has Been Accused of Tax Dodging Up To €1 billion

Green Party has accused IKEA for dodging tax up to €1 billion ($1.13 billion/ £776 million). MEP has taken the allegation into cognizance and pledged for studying the report and related findings. However, the Swedish furniture giant has rejected the tax evasion allegations and claims for no wrongdoings.

Martin Shkreli Claimed He Was Scammed over Kanye West's New Album

The center of life-saving drug price hike controversy, Martin Shkreli tried to made himself in the news again. He claimed that he was scammed for $15 million for the new album of Kanye West "Life of Pablo."

AirAsia India CEO Mittu Chandilya to Leave the Airline Soon, Successor to be Decided

AirAsia India’s head Mittu Chandilya is confirmed to soon leave the airline. The decision emerged after he previously expressed disfavour on the micro-management practiced by the airline’s parent company in Malaysia. His successor is yet to be decided, but it’s likely to be an executive from the parent airline.

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Boeing has been reported to wait for approval pending with the US government regarding purchase of F/A-18 jets by the Navy and Kuwait. Delay in approving funds has become a growing concern. Further delay in rendering approval may compel in Boeing authority to decide hundreds of millions dollar fund to keep its Saint Louis plant operative.
Anthony Foxx is expected to sign a deal in Havana on Tuesday. The deal will allow resumption of commercial flights between the two countries. All the major airlines are expected to take part in the bidding of commercial flights towards different destinations of Cuba.
Facebook has introduced an app naming Free Basics in collaboration with Reliance group. Due to allegations for violating net neutrality, TRAI has instructed Reliance group to restrict access into Free Basics till completion of the investigation over its legal aspects. But industry insiders believe, Facebook may reappear with greater vicinity anytime soon.
Brian T. Moynihan, the CEO of BOA has been awarded with a pay package of $16 million, a 23% rise from the previous year. However, the package will reach at maximum if BOA can touch 0.80% earning against assets during the next three years. JP Morgan Chase & Co. CEO James Dimon has ranked top in receiving pay packages for the 2015.
The average oil price has dipped well below $30 a barrel on Thursday, which has been reported to be sold at $31 on Friday. Sharp fall of oil prices on Thursday has been analyzed as the triggering factor for some bargain hunting by some traders. However, equity market has also witnessed a boost which is believed to be induced by oil price soaring.
A recent research shows that there is a significant increase in the use of online dating services, especially via mobile dating apps. There are also significant increases in two particular age groups, which is young adults and older adults between the age of 55-64 years old. Personal safety remains a major issue for online daters, but most still believe that the method is more efficient and help them find a better match.
Zimbabwe suffers a massive disaster in the form of drought which has hit immensely on the entire country. The Vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa has appealed for $1.5bn aid from the local businesses and charities to save more than a quarter of his population from extreme water scarcity.
Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive officer of JP Morgan Chase & Co, spent $26 millions to buy shares of his bank on Thursday. The share purchase is translated as good sign by other investors as the shares climbed by 2 percent after the news broke out to the public.
Martin Shkreli expressed his wish to buy Kanye West’s new album. Martin is ready to pay the rapper $10 million in exchange for sole rights to "The Life of Pablo."
Walgreens has threatened to pull out of partnership with Theranos following the notice the latter received from the federal authorities regarding deficient medical practices. The drug retailer has given a 30-day ultimatum to its partner to clear their name, or their association gets terminated.
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